Cross Stitching Projects

Eowyn's Angel
"In the Arms of an Angel."
Lavender and Lace Pattern
Completed July5th, 2013

When i found out i was expecting another child, and a girl, i knew she had to have her own angel.  I could not find another pattern that i loved as much as this one.  So i thought, why not use the same pattern, with sea / summer colors.  So that is what i did. The greys are for the rolling stormy waves of the ocean, the blues from the seas, and the pink reminds me of the conch shells i would find in the sand.  Little glass beads of glossy white sit in rows like pearls.  Silver thread is used to remind me of the silver full moon reflected in the night waters.

Henry's Angel
"In the Arms of an Angel."
Lavender and Lace Pattern
Completed September 2009
I wanted this angel to reflect the fact that i was having an autumn child, and at the time i did not know if i was having a boy or a girl.  However, i picked this pattern many years ago as one i wanted for my first born.  It was my most adventurous pattern to date, as i changed all the colors, added in extra beading, metallic threads and removed certain parts from the pattern itself.

"Mother's Tree"
Lavender and Lace
Completed October 2009
I made this as a special request from my mum.  I knew she would love it.  I only changed the linen it was embroidered on.

"Peace Angel"
Lavender and Lace
Completed January 2009
My longest project to date.

Lavender and Lace
Completed December 2008
My first big project.  I loved every second and learned alot making her.

Completed August 2008
Made as a gift for my Mum. The pattern was from one of those really old magazines in the 80's.  I changed the colors, added in the gold, and ta-da!